How do I place an order?

To place an order click on the “Shop” button and choose the relevant category of products you want. Clicking on an individual product will show further information and allow you to add the item to your cart. Some products require you to select a colour or thickness before you can add to your cart. Once you have added all the items you require click the “Checkout” button and enter your delivery details and then confirm payment options to finalise your order.

What if I can’t find the product I am looking for?

We do offer some products that are not listed on our website and can also source certain products directly from our suppliers on your behalf. Please contact us to find out more.

How much do I need to order?

There are no minimum order requirements although please note we offer free delivery nationwide on all orders over $100*. Anything below this will incur a delivery charge.

How do I know if my order has been received?

You will receive an order confirmation sent to the email address provided. If you do not receive this please contact us to confirm the order has been received.

*Some rural charges may apply


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