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How to bind documents with 5 simple tips

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How to bind documents is very straight forward. Comb binding is one of the most common options for binding documents. Document binding supplies are not expensive, they last a long time and can be used many times. Comb binding machines and binding supplies are ideal for home use, office use, for schools, non-profit organisations, and also government agencies or printing shops. Read about our top 5 simple tips.

1. What is comb binding and how to bind documents?

Comb binding can be used for business proposals, financial reports, business reports, brochures, real estate sales and more. All you need is a good quality binding machine, binding combs or binding wire coils and binding covers and binding backs.

2. Types of comb binding machines

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Shop online now to discover our full range of 10 different types of plastic comb, wire coil and thermal binding machines. Starting from only $155, ask us for a no obligation demonstration. Plastic comb binding machines come in a range of sizes, colours and quantities. You can buy small, medium or large volume binding machines depending on the number of pages per document.

The main criteria for choosing a comb binding machine is the number of pages required to bind for your documents. Make sure you don’t buy your binding machine based on the price. Be very sure what type and format for all your documents you wish to use your binding machine for.

All our plastic comb binding machines are available to buy online using the manual hole punch or the electric hole punch. If you or your office have to bind a lot of documents, the electric binding machine will save you a lot of time and effort. Most large volume binding machines work with a motor to punch the holes in the paper.

3. How to bind documents

How to bind documents is very easy and usually involves only a few simple steps.

Watch our how to bind documents video demos below

We are more than happy to visit your office and provide a free demonstration of our comb binding machines. Call us 09 972 0842 or fill out an online contact form.

4. Steps for how to bind documents

  1. Set up the comb-binding machine. If equipped, adjust the margin depth, guides and punching dies as needed.
  2. Assemble the document to be bound. This includes both the cover sheet and back cover.
  3. Select the first pieces of the document to be punched. This is determined by the maximum amount of sheets your binding machine can punch at once. Please be aware that punching the maximum amount of documents rated for your machine wear out your machine faster that if you punch 80% of the maximum amount.
  4. Now punch the paper. As each stack of paper is punched, set it to the side. Make sure that the punched documents are in proper order. Punching may be done by pulling a handle or pressing a button, depending on the comb-binding machine being used.
  5. Place the plastic binding comb in the binding machine.
  6. Open the comb and place the opened comb fingers through the punched holes of the document to be bound.
  7. Close the comb and remove the document from the machine.
  8. You are now done comb binding a document and are ready to move to the next document to be bound.

5. Types of binding machine supplies

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Document binding covers

Document binding combs

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Adrian and the NZBinding team.

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